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Part 1

I currently reside in Mexico. I will get my US visa soon.

Although the journey I undertook to reach this point was challenging, I would like to share my story with you.

I grew up in Siberia and completed my schooling at an early age. Consequently, I enrolled in my first college at the age of 14, focusing on the art and graphic department. By the time I turned 18, I had obtained my first diploma as a teacher of art and crafts, even gaining work experience in a school setting. After completing my initial college education, I faced the daunting task of determining my true calling. In Siberia, the decision-making process was particularly challenging, given that the city I lived in was primarily commercial and industrial. However, my childhood fascination with robots and technology prompted me to pursue a different path.

Part 2

At the age of 18, I enrolled in College of Information Technology, where I delved into the world of web development. Eager to fulfill my aspirations, I aimed to secure my dream job.

Subsequently, at 19, I entered a technical university to study engineering. The university admission process was no easy feat. Armed with two college degrees, I realized that my existing knowledge was insufficient, and I yearned for more.

At that time, without full access to the internet, I scoured newspapers for opportunities and discovered this university, aligning more closely with my interest in engineering.

Part 3

Upon arriving at the university, the admissions committee, upon reviewing my diplomas and considering my age, expressed genuine surprise. They proposed that I directly enter the third year, specializing in design for garment manufacturers.

Given a month of intensive training in mathematics, design, and modeling – subjects I was unfamiliar with – I embarked on the challenging journey of learning from scratch. Through hard work and perseverance, I successfully passed the entrance exams with top marks.

In the end, I graduated from the university at the age of 21, setting me on the path to realizing my dream job.

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